DIY Party Hats


Flower-power party hats!

With a few birthdays quickly approaching, we’ve been busy coming up with cute party decorations that are simple and easy. We love a good party theme, and by making decorations from gift wrap, you can easily design a party that’s cohesive and unique. 

This year, we’re making party hats for Mary’s daughter’s garden-themed party. We’re using both sides of the Night Bloom and Lily Patch papers for our hats, and decorating with tassels and pom poms. 

We’ve included a printable party hat template below. We added pom-pom and fringe decorations for an extra fun touch! 

Here’s what you’ll need:

– Gift Wrap (each sheet of March paper makes up to 6 party hats)

Party Hat Template
– Printer

– Scissors

– Hot glue gun

– Glue or double-sided tape

– Thin elastic

– Decorations (pom noms, tassels, ribbons, etc.)

How to make it:

1. Download and print the 8.5x11” template on your home printer. Cut out the template.

2. Lay the template over a piece of gift wrap, and use it as a guide to cut or trace the hat shape.

3. Once you have all of your hats cut out, wrap them into a cone shape, securing the inside with tape or glue (if gluing, you can use a clothespin to hold the hat together while the glue dries).

4. Hot glue a piece of elastic to the inside of the hat, about half an inch up from the bottom of the hat.

5. Use a hot glue gun or double sided tape to add decorations to your hats.

Hanna Holtz