DIY Ice Cream Cone Wraps


Oliver is turning 9!

Mary’s son, Oliver is turning 9 this year and celebrating with all of his best buds at the zoo. The kids will get to meet three animals up close and personal and learn all about each one from the ‘animal experts’ at the zoo. One of the animals that Oliver chose to meet is the blue-tongued skink. This little reptile from Australia reminded us of our Swamp Buddies gift wrap, so we thought it would be perfect to include at his party.

Cake is fun and all, but cake AND ice cream is even better! Oli loves chocolate ice cream, so we will be having ice cream back at the house. To keep the zoo theme going at home, we will be creating ice cream cone wraps with Swamp Buddies gift wrap. We’ve made these wraps before, and it’s a super easy project for you and your kids to make ahead of time. These wraps can be made using any gift wrap pattern, and can be adjusted to fit whichever type of cone you prefer—personally we are on team waffle cone.

Here’s what you’ll need:

– Gift Wrap (each sheet of March paper makes up to 8 cone wraps)
Ice Cream Cone Template
– Printer
– Scissors
– Double-sided tape
– Ice cream cones

How to make it:

1. Download and print the 8.5x11” ice cream cone template on your home printer. Cut out the template

2. Lay the template over a piece of giftware, and use it as a guide to cut or trace the cone wrap shape.

3. Test your template on the cones you have for your party, adjust as necessary to fit your cone.

4. Once you have all of your cone wrappers cut out, wrap each cone and secure the wrapper with a piece of double-sided tape.

5. Eat ALL of the ice cream!

Hanna Holtz